Thursday, 22 April 2010

Ready for tonight?

On the day of the leaders’ debate that will focus in foreign affairs it is useful to understand the outline of each party’s views.

Perhaps what is most interesting is that in some ways ‘past’ differences are more pronounced than future ones. The Lib Dems opposed the Iraq war – whereas the Tories supported Labour’s plans to topple Saddam Hussein. On Iran, all 3 parties say that they want to seek a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. All 3 parties also support a two state solution for Israel and Palestine. On foreign aid, all parties want to increase the budget to 0.7% of GDP, with the Tories suggesting that the public should have more say on where it goes.

On the European Union, the Lib Dems are the most pro-European, with Labour in the middle and the Tories being the least pro-European. Although no party has immediate plans to bring the UK into the EURO currency, it is only the Tories who have ruled it out completely for the next Parliament. Labour and Lib Dem both support entry in principle.

So let’s see what happens tonight? Clegg and Cameron will switch places, with Clegg now standing in the middle, Brown on the right and Cameron on the left. Do you support the EU? Care about foreign aid? Passionate about the Middle East? Who has your vote...

Poli-Chick xx

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