Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Election night has been saved!!!

Jack Straw MP has ridden to the rescue of traditional election night counting by introducing an amendment, unopposed, to the Constitutional Reform Bill.

Traditionally, councils count the votes received when the polls close, on election night. The, the television channels makes huge spectacle of counting the votes, analysing the swing and interviewing those who have just gained or lost seats. Kind of like Superbowl night in the United States, but with cheaper advertising slots.

Many councils had threatened not to begin the count until the following day, denying the electorate the traditional drama filled night.

But election night is all the more exciting if you have voted. Poli-Chick has set up a new poll to see what you think about the party leaders at this stage in the game… cast your vote wisely….

Poli-Chick xx


  1. please can u give a little summary of each of them and main policies (after the poll if u need to). I'm clueless! xx
