Thursday, 4 February 2010

Find out what expenses YOUR MP claimed

Imagine you are a smoker. You know cigarettes are bad for you but you do it regardless. Now- skip ahead to 2012 and cigarettes are made illegal. Not only that, but you get fined for smoking in 2010, 2 years before the law came into force.

This is the argument some MPs are making on the day that Sir Thomas Legg produced his report into MPs expenses. They argue that it is unfair to penalise them for claims that were perfectly legal at the time. Yes, they say, claiming thousands of pounds for cleaners may have been unethical, but it was within the rules.

So how much does it all matter? Well- if you want to know what, when and why your MP was claiming you can search using this link:

In general, poli-chick doesn’t think it is a good idea to impose penalties on people for things that were legal at the time they did it. But lets be honest, some MPs claimed for duck-houses, porn pay-per-view, 88p bath plugs and moat cleaning… how much sympathy can we have?

Poli-chick xx

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