Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Hung like a...

You have probably heard a lot in the press recently about a ‘hung’ parliament- and what this would mean in the UK.

So what is a hung parliament? This is when no one political party has an outright majority. It rarely happens in the UK (because our voting system isn’t very proportionate)- the last one was in 1974 but it lasted less than a year.

The way that the polls are looking at the moment means that a hung parliament is likely. This perhaps surprises many people who thought that the Tories were way out ahead in the lead- and whilst they are still beating Labour in the polls- they are not far enough ahead to command a majority. Of course this can all change...

For many, a hung parliament would be a disaster. A period of uncertainty where Parliament is paralysed and unable to pass legislation would follow, and possible another election campaign soon after, as happened in ’74. There is also a fear that the economy would not react well to this uncertainty, particularly the credit markets that the Government is relying on to fund Government debt.

So keep your eye on the polls to see which way the vote is swinging... but if you want to affect them... make sure you vote

Poli-Chick xx

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